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The natural side of offices. Think Biophilic


The presence of nature reduces stress, increases creativity, mental clarity and improves our well-being. Biophilic design is a constantly developing trend in the design of office spaces that works in harmony with nature and focuses on people’s needs and their health. It is design and implementation that is consistent with the idea of biophilia.

In harmony with nature

Biophilic design has recently become the essence of effective construction. Its main idea is man. The term is derived from the word "biophilia", which literally translates to "love of nature". This concept was popularized by Edward O. Wilson - an American biologist who for years watched the process of people moving from the countryside to the cities. Losing direct contact with vegetation has a negative impact on our well-being and health. Biophilic design is an element aimed at shortening the distance between man and nature..

"Biophilic design studies how the use elements of nature and its processes affect the design of products introduced to the market - the ones we use every day at work and at home," says Olivier Heath, founder of Heath Design Ltd.


Increased awareness of the needs of employees innovates new design directions for office space. Therefore, treatments are applied to ensure the best working conditions. One of them is to introduce as many indoor plants as possible. In practice, factors that refer to nature are introduced into the interior in the form of: potted plants or "living walls". Spaces designed in the spirit of this concept are also complemented with natural materials, fabrics and lighting.
The intensification of professional duties is the result of blurring the boundaries between home and office work, so that office space becomes our second home. Therefore, more and more emphasis is placed on its proper arrangement.

It is important that the designed interiors are in harmony with human nature. By designing direct or indirect patterns, we influence the human reaction, which is accompanied by excitement, motivation, creativity, as well as focus and regeneration.
Introducing solutions to the interior to meet simple human needs translates into stress reduction and improvement of physical health. These positive changes take shape in individuals who are in constant contact with nature.
Plants, in addition to introducing aesthetic values to the space, also affect our well-being, which is why their presence in these times of digitization and increasing air pollution has become so crucial. Biophilic design as a design style is rapidly gaining ground and architects and designers are beginning to see it as an integral part of any commercial and public building project.

Natural connections

CreoConcept has become an integral part of biophilia projects. Glass partition walls help provide more light for maintaining plants vegetation in the office space. In addition, they provide maximum illumination of the room and expose large natural areas of greenery. Glass in combination with aluminum and abundance of green plants is a guarantee of high aesthetics. The combination of these elements provides office users with an appropriate visual experience, which translates into improved cognitive functions and creativity at the same time. The lightness of the partition walls, which are the background for the lush vegetation, reflects the nature of nature. In terms of architecture, it is a number of conceptual possibilities. Plants perfectly break up the raw interiors full of glass, diffuse light and give a cozy character. Glass partitions not only provide a wide view of the surrounding nature, but also have the ability to regulate heat and excellent acoustic properties, which are an essential element when designing sustainable office spaces in the spirit of biophilia. Considering how important it is for our body to constantly experience nature, plants are an element of offices as important as appropriate lighting or innovative technological solutions. Therefore, they become a natural balance, that reduces the stress of employees. It is not without reason that for generations we have been convinced that the colors of nature are colors that are supposed to calm the mind and revitalize the spirit. And although our bodies adapt to closed rooms through the process of civilization, each of them has a primal need of communing with nature. Therefore, striving to participate in natural processes and living surroundings is an inseparable element of modern office spaces.


Szklane ścianki działowe nie tylko zapewniają szeroki widok na otaczającą przyrodę, ale mają zdolność do regulacji ciepła i znakomite właściwości akustyczne będące niezbędnym elementem przy projektowaniu zrównoważonych przestrzeni biurowych w duchu biofilii.

Biorąc pod uwagę jak ważne są dla naszego organizmu jest stałe doświadczanie natury, rośliny to element biur równie istotny jak odpowiednie oświetlenie, czy innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne. Stają się więc naturalnym balansem, zmniejszających stres pracowników.

Nie bez kozery od pokoleń uświadczeni jesteśmy w przekonaniu, że barwy natury są kolorami, które mają uspokoić umysł i dać odetchnąć zmęczonym oczom. I choć w procesie cywilizacyjnym nasze organizmy przystosowują się do zamkniętych pomieszczeń, w każdym tkwi pierwotna potrzeba obcowania z naturą.

Dlatego też dążenie do uczestnictwa w naturalnych procesach oraz żywym otoczeniu to nieodłączny element współczesnych przestrzeni biurowych.

Think Creo.